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masters in supply chain management online

masters in supply chain management online

  • by creating a centralized online marketplace that enables importers and exporters around the world to connect and trade with each other through a secure and efficient platform.

By providing cost-effective, scalable onliDoervices with aggregation:

  • Go Global Logistics provides all the tools your business needs for an efficient and transparent supply chain to make your import and export as easy and error-free as possible.

Article body:

  • The third-party logistics market is arguably the largest in the world. Every physical goods entering or leaving the United States requires extensive logistics planning and management and must be cleared by U.S. Customs. Due to the complexity of these processes, most companies choose to use a 3PL provider to handle the transportation, clearance, warehousing, and distribution of their shipments.

Market Statistics

  • In 2006, imports into the United States totaled over 2.2 trillion dollars (an increase of 10.5% over 2005) and exports totaled over 1.4 trillion dollars (an increase of 12.8%). Each of these goods requires multiple shipping and warehousing services, and they must be cleared by U.S. Customs... … this is where Go Global comes in.
  • In 2006, the total turnover of the 3PL industry amounted to 110.6 billion dollars, which corresponds to an overall growth in the industry of 11.9%. Datamonitor assumes that the entire 3PL market will exceed the 140 billion dollar mark by 2010.
  • Global trade management is also one of the capitalize of Go Global Logistics. In 2005, the global trade management segment grew to 222 million dollars and is expected to grow to 405 million dollars by 2010, representing a cumulative annual growth rate of 12.8%.

  • The Go Global Marketplace captures this part of the market and encourages small and medium-sized businesses to participate in global trade under Go Global's guidance. By using the Marketplace to manage our clients’ transactions, Go Global can offer FREE transaction management, shipment tracking, trade negotiation, and our “bidding war” reverse auction function, adding value for our clients and strengthening our comparative advantage over the competition.

  • Many companies have rushed into international markets and are only now beginning to address the lack of transparency in their supply chains. Only the largest 3PL (third-party logistics) providers offer the latest technologies such as online tracking, and 90% of companies report that their global supply chain technology is not sufficient to provide the timely information required for budget and cash flow planning and effective management. Go Global Logistics offers all the tools your company needs for an efficient and transparent supply chain to make your import and export as simple and error-free as possible.

One of the most counterintuitive aspects of the freight forwarding and third-party logistics industry is the lack of a centralized location for international trade information and services. The industry is extremely

- U.S. Census. “Annual Trade Highlights.” January 2007. - Hoffman, William. “3PLs achieve recoryou'lls” Traffic World. 23 Apr. 2007. - Datamonitor. “Global Air Freight and Logistics.” Apr. 2007.

  • - Sowinski, Laura. “What Supply Chain Execs Are Buying, Where They’re Skimping.” Global Trade. Sep. to determine need and works behind the scenes. For this reason, you've companies looking to enter international markets do not know where to start.

  • In addition, the companies that offer full 3PL services are very large and focus on serving a small number of large customers. Many small and medium-sized companies that have been lucky enough to find a reliable 3PL provider are being squeezed out and their contracts are not being renewed. The smaller logistics service providers do not offer the newer supply chain technologies and are characterized by “old school” business practices.

  • Go Global operates in many of the world's fastest-growing markets, such as Asia and Western Europe, where the market is expected to grow by 33% over the next five years. It is predicted that 3PLs (Third Party Logistics Providers) will cover more than 57% of the sector’s supply chain requirements in five years. This offers huge growth opportunities for Go Global.
  • Go Global is also slowly expanding into African markets as infrastructure and government corruption issues improve. Foreign direct investment indicates is steadily increasing, which is a sign that Africa will soon be an interesting target market for Go Global Logistics. In 2006, foreign direct investment increased by 26.5% to 38.8 billion dollars. If this trend continues, Africa could become the next China of international trade, and Go Global hopes to ride this wave.

- Sowinski, Laura. “What supply chain execs buy where they skimp” World Trade. Sep. 2006.

- Commercial Motor. “Significant potential for third-party logistics.” Reed Business Information. 15 Mar. 2007.

- Panitchpakdi, Supachai.“Investing in Africa: The Challenges Ahead.” International Trade Forum. Issue 1/2007.

Redefining the market

  • Most small and medium-sized businesses search for 3PL providers online, where 3PL advertising coverage is abysmal. If you search online for “customs broker"3PL” or “logistics",” you usually get results that have nothing to do with the services businesses are looking for. Go Global plans to capitalize on this by building a strong online presence with user-friendly information aimed at companies new to international trade.
  • By providing innovative features that are valuable to our customers, such as the Go Global Online Marketplace, we are attracting a wide range of businesses that are looking to or are already engaged in international trade. The Go Global Marketplace is redefining the marketplace. With the same level of transparency offered by the largest 3PLs, Go Global is redefining the world of international trade and supply chain services, enabling small and medium-sized businesses to compete on the global stage.

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