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Do Small Businesses need websites?

 Do Small Businesses need websites?

  • The business world today is just as active on the Internet as it is in the "real world". However, the question arises as to how important it is for smaller businesses to have their own website and whether it's worthwhile Does it help them, or is it more money that could be better spent elsewhere?


  • Should small businesses have a website?

  • In a word: Yes! The Internet is the most effective marketing tool available today, and it can reach far more people than a flyer or an ad in the local paper.
  • Should you create your own website?

  • That depends entirely on your skills. If you can create a good-looking website then go for it, it'll save you money and work wonders as a marketing tool. However, if your skills are limited or non-existent, we'd say no. And why? Not because we want your money (although we don't mind if you want to give it to us...), but because if your website doesn't look professional, it'll make a bad impression on your company's image.

Do you need to spend a lot of money?

  • It really depends on the size of your website, if you just want to have a presence on the internet then you can easily get something for around £250 if you take the time to look, if you're really into the idea of being online and having your business effectively in cyberspace you'll see more money, but even then there are many self-build options such as Ekmpowershop.

What content do you need?

  • This depends entirely on what you want to achieve with your online presence. If you want to sell online, it's very useful to have your products online! If you just want to put your business online, then there are TWO elements that we think are absolutely essential:

Information about your business

How to contact you

  • Without these two elements, no one will know who or what you are, with the first element being your chance to sell yourself. Remember, with well-designed websites, people won't know if they're dealing with a multinational company or a one-person organization - this is your chance to play along with the big boys!

What to do now?

  • So you're convinced that a website is the way to go? Excellent, that can only be to your advantage! Now you need to find a designer (there is one here!!!), what you should consider when searching is the type of style you're looking for, find some websites that you like, then find some designers and see if they can produce something along those lines! If they can do that, you're well on the way to bringing one of your best employees to life!!!
