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Customer Service for Business Phone Systems

 Customer Service for Business Phone Systems


  • Working in a law firm often involves long hours and late nights, especially when dealing with probate matters. If I get up before seven in the morning and stay until well after closing time, I assume that I will always be available to anyone who calls me. Recently, my firm changed their phone system and I noticed that the number of calls I was receiving each day decreased. Article main part: Working in a law firm often means long hours and late nights, especially when dealing with probate matters. If I get up before seven in the morning and stay until well after closing time, I have assumed that I will always be available to anyone who calls me. Recently, my office changed the phone system and I noticed that the number of calls I received each day decreased. In fact, the change was so great that I was able to complete my work much earlier than usual. I never considered that it could be due to our phone system and just dismissed it as a stroke of luck. Little did I know that I was missing several calls from important clients, almost all of whom had left me voicemail messages that I had not received. A few weeks after the new phone system was installed, I ran into one of these clients in the courtroom who accused me of being too busy to return her calls. That's when I realized there must have been a problem.
  • The next day, when I returned to the office, I asked my coworkers if they had had similar problems. They had not, but they suggested I call the company that had sold us our phones and equipment to see what could be done. I called, and within twenty minutes the problem was fixed. Apparently, my voicemail was forwarded to another location. The customer service representative explained in detail how I could run a simple diagnostic to see if my messages were getting to where they were supposed to. When I realised this was not the case, he explained how I could change the settings to solve the problem. Although I now have a lot of calls to catch up on, I am grateful that the company we chose for our new phone system provides such knowledgeable customer service. I think that in the phone business, as in any other business, this is critical to success.
