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Civilization 4 and Why I Hate My Office Phone

 Civilization 4 and Why I Hate My Office Phone


  • If you're familiar with the PC strategy game series "Civilization," you probably know that it's only slightly less addictive than crack. I've never tried crack, but they say it's hard to get off. I recently bought Civilization 4, the latest installment in the Civilization series.

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  • If you're familiar with the PC strategy game series "Civilization," you probably know that it's only slightly less addictive than crack. I've never tried crack, but they say it's hard to get off. I recently bought Civilization 4, the latest installment in the Civilization series. That in itself isn't that interesting, but what it did to me at work very much is. I work as a network administrator for a large insurance company in Illinois.

  • Part of my job is to repair PCs when needed, which is quite common with all the computers around here. I informed my colleague, who is also a big Civilization fan, that I owned the game and he suggested I bring it in for a little test run. Against my better judgment, we decided to play a hot seat game while at work. "Hot seat" means that one player takes a turn followed by the other, which is unique to turn-based games like Civ. We both thought that one of us would always answer the phone in our little workshop chamber, so we couldn't imagine how we could get caught. But we were wrong! After about four hours of playing, things got interesting.

  • My civ found his civ and we began to wage war on each other, as you might expect. I sat down when it was my turn and my colleague decided to go to the restroom. The phone rang and I didn't pick it up so whoever was on the other end wouldn't hear the Civ theme music or the explosive sound of my tanks overrunning his infantry. What I had forgotten was that our modern phone system allows anyone to communicate with us over an open speaker, unless we're already on the phone. My boss took advantage of this feature because no one answered while it was my turn...okay, actually while it was my turn, and bragged loudly to myself about how well I had done in the game. I found myself in his office that afternoon, but luckily I was only warned and not fired. Not only did I get in trouble, but my colleague made jokes about it at my expense.

  • I hate my office phone.
